Sunday, February 01, 2009

The massacre continues

A friend candidly said a couple of days back that "ours is a strange time when the Jews themselves force everybody else to become anti-semitc". Our forefathers might not have presaged that yesteryear's victims would turn into the biggest killers of our times. Anyway, let's not get into antisemitism and all. Why did Israel bomb Gaza, nearly three years after they were forced to "disengage" from the strip? I find only one answer, Israel's detente, something that shaped its security policy for the last 50 years, has been at stake since 2000. See, it had to withdraw troops from Lebanon in 2000, from Gaza in 2005 and suffer a humiliating blow in Lebanon again in 2006. Who is afraid of Israel's "military might" honey? Israel wants to restore that. Also, it wants to do it before the lawless bloody Bush administration, its closest ally, steps down. A new Prez may give push to the "peace process". Israel wants to destroy the Hamas' infrastructure before a new start by Obama. Obama might also have been kept in the know abt the attacks. He hasn't spelt a word. Sorry to say that Arabs do not have balls. Saudis are busy seeking a secret deal with Israel, Jordan always keeps mum, Egypt is a loyal servile of the American Empire, Saddam was murdered and Assad is playing brinkmanship. Israel is playing great game, at the expense of the mankind. We stand helpless..
(Letter sent to Zubair and other comrades, January 8, 2008)

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